Advice for moving in Leicester
We want to make sure that you have a quick and easy move in Leicester, let it be around the corner or if your moving across the UK. If you are new to moving its understandable if you are a bit nervous and not sure where to start. Below we've written a helpful moving advice for those that don't know where to start.
Keeping things organised for your move in Leicester
If you have a lot of things to move, make plan of space around your home or office. Normally the movers in Leicester start loading the van with larger furniture first and then start filling in empty spaces with smaller items so its ideal not to have a lot of things near the entrance or stairs. Also check with your family/staff to ensure that any boxes or bags dont get in the way until the movers arrive. Colour code or label any boxes with where they should go in your new property such as "kids bedroom", "kitchen", "bathroom", etc. This way when the movers start to unload your belongings from the van, they will immediatly know where to place them - this can also save you time later on moving boxes around in your new home/office. If you're moving office, check with your IT staff that it is safe to unplug/turn off certain key equipment such as photocopiers or servers. Some printers or photocopiers require you to remove the toner/ink before moving. Some of our staff are not qualified to wire up IT equipment at your new office so its ideal to have an IT expert to connect everything together again. If you are unsure about certain furniture fitting through the doors, quickly measure the furniture and double check. Sometimes doors need to be removed or funiture need to be dismantled. Our movers can dismantle furniture but its better to be prepared on your moving day than avoid these surprises. Check for parking outside your property. If you need to reserve a parking space, then call your local authority and make a reservation - this is normally free and you avoid being charged with parking fines or tow away services. If your moving office, hire some plastic crates. They are the simplest, most efficient and easy way to store your property and there is less impact on the environment compared with cardboard boxes.
Don't forget to buy plenty of bubble wrap for computers, TVs, and other delicate items around your home and office. Cables and leads can simply be taped together with a label or onto individual computers, etc. Remove any heavy items from cabinets and drawers. When packing things into boxes, place heavy items in smaller boxes and the lighter items in bigger boxes. As for drawing cabiners or chests of drawers, place thick tape around them so they dont open and close whilst being moved. Defrost any fridges or freezers 24 hours before you move and label or put to a corners anything that needs to stay. Finally, don't forget to contact your utility suppliers such as gas, electricity, internet, phone and your bank and insurance companies to tell them your new address.
If you need more moving advice, call us or send us an e-mail and we will be happy to help!
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